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Kombucha Howto: Fermented Home Remedies for Herbalists

It’s come to my attention recently that many folks don’t know what Kombucha is. I was shocked, but upon reflecting over the past decade since I first began drinking it I realized that it wasn’t until I moved out to Eugene, Hippy-Capital of the World, that I discovered this amazing fermentation.

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Garden by Constitution: Planting for Your Family

Gardens, like diet and exercise, are all highly individual. They need to be. What’s worked so well for my friend, Master Gardener Sue Sierralupe, for instance, seems to fail miserably for me even though her techniques are proven and so many of them are super easy. Why? Because she gardens in a way that matches her personality, physicality, and energy. She’s naturally matched her garden to her constitution, and it works brilliantly!

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Goji berry Energetic Properties

Goji Berry, Wolfberry, Lycii, Energetic Properties

Goji Berry is one of those little dried fruits that pops up as popular every few years among the herbal and health crowds for a while, then it fades into the background until it’s needed once again. There’s loads of good reasons for that, not the least of which is that Goji Berry is a Yin-Building herb.

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Energetic Properties of Avena Sativa, Oats: TCM, Ayurveda

Avena sativa, aka oats, is one of modern herbalism’s darlings for managing stress and exhaustion, recovering from trauma and prolonged illness, and rebuilding pretty much all the body’s systems. Herbal Teachers and practitioners generally divide Oat medicine into two types: Milky Oats or Oatstraw.

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Nourish Body and Soul with Avena: Oats

Research has shown that oats represent a sound unbroken link to our herbal lineage. A solid one-third of my herbal library refers to oats as a trophorestorative; soothing, nourishing and nervine. The message is steady and consistent, much like Avena herself: Take peace, take comfort, take strength.

Here are some of the ways I roll with oats, Avena sativa…

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Edible Flowers, Medicinal Flowers: Home Remedies from the Garden

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