The Practical Herbalist Library.

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The Best Herbal Monographs and Books from The Practical Herbalist

We’ve gathered the whole of The Practical Herbalist Press library here especially for our Herbal Nerd Society Plus members. We’re working on making updates to each title. When the second edition is available, the link to it will be active.

You can still find the first editions for sale on Amazon (we’ve included a buy link with each title to make it easy for you to find them). These second editions are expanded and only available here. Enjoy!


A Wealth of healing in one sweet tasty package.

The Humble Strawberry packs a surprising number of healing and nutritive qualities in one sweet, tasty little package. Come with us on a journey into the Practical Herbalist’s garden to get a close look at Wild Strawberry and its cousins. Learn how to prepare strawberry fruit and leaf as herbal medicine; use strawberry medicine to help adults, children, and animals ease a variety of complaints; get tips on incorporating strawberry into your household; discover cautions regarding strawberry; and delve into the history, folklore, myth, and magic of strawberry. This Practical Herbalist’s Herbal Folio includes a small selection of Recipes to get you started on your herbal journey with Strawberry plus a Quick Facts page you can print out for use at home and in the classroom.

This is the Second Edition. It is accessible to Herbal Nerd Society Plus Members. You can always buy the first edition at Amazon.

Tea Tree

Liquid First Aid

Tea Tree, fondly known as Melaleuca by millions, is a powerful herbal medicine gifted to us from its native Australia. Come with The Practical Herbalist’s on an expedition into Tea Tree’s garden of health in this volume of The Practical Herbalist’s Herbal Folio series. You’ll learn about Tea Tree’s power to heal, including gaining insight into the specific properties and constituents Tea Tree uses to fight bacteria, fungus, and encourage healing. We’ll visit the garden for information on growing Melaleuca alternifolia and tips on choosing the best essential oil of Tea Tree; discover ideas for good housekeeping with Tea Tree; look into how Tea Tree can help care for the animals you love; learn about the history, folklore, myth and magic of Tea Tree; and recognize important cautions pertaining to the use of Tea Tree essential oil for humans and animals alike. This volume includes the features you expect from The Practical Herbalist’s Herbal Folio series, including recipes to get you started, references for more investigation, and a printable Quick Facts page you can use as a handout when teaching others about this powerful herb.

This is the Second Edition. It is accessible to Herbal Nerd Society Plus Members. You can always buy the first edition at Amazon.


Herbal Medicine Rooted in Your Front Yard

Though dandelion is oft accused of weedy behavior, its medicinal and nutritive qualities make it an herbalist’s treasure. This volume of The Practical Herbalist’s Herbal Folio series delves into the many healthful uses of dandelion. Learn how dandelion helps with recovery from illnesses, such as colds, flus, and sinus infections; helps the body process hormones, making dandelion a perfect assistant for adolescence and menopause; helps improve women’s fertility and aids in lactation; helps improve digestion and eliminate toxins from the body, supporting the liver and even helping heal liver diseases like Hepatitis B and C; replaces essential potassium while supporting the kidneys, encouraging healthy blood pressure and helping the body to naturally correct high blood pressure; helps ease those with incessant muscle tension due to overwork; helps reduce high cholesterol and can even ease edema. Discover uses for dandelion that extend beyond the purely medicinal, like using dandelion to bitter your homebrew, or improving your garden soil with dandelion. We’ll touch on the history and magic of dandelion, cover how you can use dandelion to care for your animal companions, and offer a few recipes to get you started before covering the cautions that relate to using this weedy little herb. As always, Dandelion: Herbal Medicine Rooted in Your Front Yard includes quick facts and a list of references for further research and learning.

This is the Second Edition. It is accessible to Herbal Nerd Society Plus Members. You can always buy the first edition at Amazon.


Boundary Keeper

For centuries, Elder has been the gateway tender for more than just mythology. Modern science has proven what herbalists have known all along; elderberry and elderflower help build immunity and protect our cells against infection and viral attack. Come with us on this look into Elder’s remarkable healing skills in this edition of The Practical Herbalist’s Herbal Folio series. We’ll look deeper into elder’s medicinal properties, offering some understanding of how this humble shrub protects boundaries on the cellular level, as well as exploring other uses for elder’s energy. Household and Non-Medicinal Uses, Gardening and Gathering, caring for animals, the history and mythology of elder, and Cautions will all be covered. We’ll offer up a few recipes, including one for Elderberry Wine, and a variety of ideas for adding the power of elder to your daily life. Step into a whole new world of herbal medicine with Elder: Boundary Keeper.

This is the Second Edition. It is accessible to Herbal Nerd Society Plus Members. You can always buy the first edition at Amazon.


Perfume with a Medicinal Punch

The sweet, balsamic scent of Lavender’s blossoms have relaxed and allured mankind for centuries. What our ancestors may not have known is that lavender packs a potent medicinal side, too.

Come with us on a journey into the mysteries of this hardy Mediterranean shrub in this edition of The Practical Herbalist’s Herbal Folio series. We’ll explore Lavender’s medicinal properties, the conditions it best treats, and how to make good lavender medicinal preparations. We’ll take a look at Lavender’s cautions. Then, we’ll look at how Lavender can be used in the house and in caring for our animal companions. We’ll get practical tips on how to grow and harvest Lavender, and delve into the folklore, myths, and historical and magical uses of Lavender. As always, we’ll give you a few recipes to get you started in making Lavender a part of your life. Learn more about the scent Cleopatra used to seduce Marc Antony with Lavender: Perfume with a Medicinal Punch.

This is the Second Edition. It is accessible to Herbal Nerd Society Plus Members. You can always buy the first edition at Amazon.


Warming Spice for Health & Life

Ancient spice traders carried ginger well beyond its native soil in Southeast Asia into Europe, Africa, and beyond. What made ginger so valuable? Fire. Ginger’s spicy, warming root offered up stimulating flavor and potent medicine like no other. Used to ease inflamed conditions, like nausea and digestive distress, arthritis, and aching muscles and tendons as well as to stimulate appetites of all kinds, this amazing root has begun to reveal his secrets to modern scientists and herbalists alike, offering us new insight to just how and why ginger truly is a warming spice for health and life.

Come with us on a journey into the world of ginger in this edition of The Practical Herbalist’s Herbal Folio series. We’ll explore ginger’s medicinal properties, the conditions it best treats, and how to make good ginger medicinal preparations. We’ll take a look at Ginger’s cautions. Then, we’ll look at how ginger can be used in the house and in caring for our animal companions. We’ll get practical tips on how to grow and harvest ginger, and delve into the folklore, myths, and historical and magical uses of ginger. As always, we’ll give you a few recipes to get you started in making ginger a part of your life. Learn more about this favorite of the Spice Trail with this edition of The Practical Herbalist’s Herbal Folio Series.

This is the Second Edition. It is accessible to Herbal Nerd Society Plus Members. You can always buy the first edition at Amazon.

Chili Pepper

Natural Hot Herbal Medicine

Pepper Heads may be in it for the fiery heat Cayenne and other famous Chilies have to offer, but practical herbalists know that heat is just the beginning of Chili Pepper’s Naturally Hot Herbal Medicine. For more than 9,000 years, the peoples of South and Central America have valued this spicy food, using it for daily sustenance, currency, and, of course, good medicine. Modern scientific study backs the centuries’ old medicinal uses this potent little herb has enjoyed. We’ve only just begin to gain insight to how this beloved spice can help improve health, stave off illness, and prolong life. Come with us as we explore one hot herbal: Chili Pepper.

This is the Second Edition. It is accessible to Herbal Nerd Society Plus Members. You can always buy the first edition at Amazon.


An Herbalist's Guide to Using Medinical Marijuana.

Whether you’re using cannabis recreationally or as medical marijuana, this guide will give you a better understanding of how this potent herb has brought health and healing to humanity both historically and in our modern world. In this Advanced Herbal Folio, we’ll dive into the science behind the plant, covering a selection of the many conditions cannabis treats and why it works. We’ll move beyond the theory into the practical realm of how to make and use medicines, both intoxicating and non-mind-altering, using cannabis. We’ll spend time in the garden, digging into the conditions cannabis needs to thrive and what to look for when you’re gathering plant material to make your own medicines. With that solid grounding in cannabis, we’ll explore ways to incorporate cannabis, hemp, and marijuana in the home safely and effectively as well as how to care for your animal friends with this versatile plant. We’ll also take a look at the historical uses of cannabis and how it can be included in modern shamanic, spiritual, or magickal practice to give you a well-rounded understanding of how cannabis fits into the fabric of humanity.

This is the Second Edition. It is accessible to Herbal Nerd Society Plus Members. You can always buy the first edition at Amazon.

St. John's Wort

Antidepressant & So much More

A few years back, Saint John’s wort made its way into the modern mind as a powerful herbal, all natural antidepressant. Science backs this ancient use and more for our sunny, weedy friend. Saint John’s Wort’s healing extends well beyond stress, anxiety, and depression. Herbalists across Europe, Asia, North and South America, Africa, Australia, and New Zealand have used the beautiful red oil made from Saint John’s wort to ease sore muscles, injury to joints and tendons, to help repair nerve damage. Tinctures, essential oils, and flower essences of Saint John’s Wort have helped ease many conditions internally and externally ranging from chasing off viruses and bacterial infections to warding off nightmares, easing headaches, and reducing bed wetting in children and adults alike.

In this journey through the herbalist’s garden, we’ll explore the science behind Saint John’s wort’s healing actions, take a look at the conditions most often treated with Saint John’s wort, and learn how to use those healing qualities to help ourselves, our families, and our pets. We’ll see how Saint John’s wort can grace our household, learn how to grow it, and take a look at how our ancestors made use of this magical herb. We’ll cover cautions and try a few new recipes for Saint John’s Wort as well. Join us for a fun and informative journey through the healing and practical uses for Saint John’s Wort in this seventh edition of The Practical Herbalist’s Herbal Folio series.

This is the Second Edition. It is accessible to Herbal Nerd Society Plus Members. You can always buy the first edition at Amazon.

Herbalism for the Zombie Apocalypse

In a world overrun by zombies, one herbalist survives to share her knowledge with as many other survivors as she can. Zombie Hunter C. along with her trusty side-kick Harvey, make their way through a zombie-infested, apocalyptic cityscape and country side killing zombies and making the best of what Mother Earth has left to offer. For those of you who want to learn how to survive using the plants at-hand long after the infrastructures of modern medicine have given way, Herbalism for the Zombie Apocalypse, volume 1 is the guide you’ll need. Zombie Hunter C.’s stories and herbal knowledge are neatly packaged in this unique take on survival and the herbal world.

This is the First Edition. It is accessible to Herbal Nerd Society Plus Members. You can always buy the first edition at Amazon.

The Pocket Herbal

Medicinal Plants that Changed the World.

Herbalists of long ago knew how to tap into the healing power of the plant kingdom to care for and protect their families, friends, and community. The Pocket Herbal: Medicinal Plants that Changed the World delves into this ancient and sometimes surprising knowledge to bring you a glimpse of how plants we still use today once helped our ancestors. Pick up tips and tricks from the past, many of which are still useful today, and enjoy learning how those amazing herbs of yore have made it through the ages into our current culture.

This is the FIrst Edition. It is accessible to Herbal Nerd Society Plus Members. You can always buy the first edition at Amazon.

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