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Elderberry: The Flu Fighter

Sambuccus nigra, a. k. a. Black Elderberry, Blue Elderberry Elder was called the “country people’s medicine chest.”  Elder keeps viruses...

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Hawthorn: The Heart Healer

Crataegus species, a.k.a. Mayhaw and Thornapple. Hawthorn loves the heart. It lowers high blood pressure and raises low blood pressure. Hawthorn,...

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Yarrow: The Wound Healer

Achillea millefolium Yarrow is nature’s bandage. Since yarrow grows in every vacant lot, abandoned field and rocky wayside, it’s clear...

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Bilberry: A True Blue Friend

Vaccinium mytillus and other species, a.k.a. Wineberry, Dyeberry and Whortleberry With diabetes rates spiraling, bilberry is America’s new best friend. The...

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