Most of us have encountered Spearmint almost daily for much of our our toothpaste, mouthwash, chewing gum, and any number of candies and minty treats. There's a really good reason for that; Spearmint is a solid, predictable, gentle medicine that's been cooling and stimulating humanity for centuries.
Spearmint for Colds, Flus, and Respiratory Ills
Today, as it was used centuries ago, Spearmint is often one of the first go-to herbs Moms reach for at the first signs of a sniffle. Science tells us that Spearmint is anti-bacterial and anti-microbial, so it can help us fight off cold and flu germs. Energetically, Spearmint helps to cool and open the respiratory system - so it helps release and drain the stuiffiness from our sinuses and open up our bronchial passages.
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