Menopause Blues: Natural Remedies for Perimenopausal Depression
While we’ve been studying the links between depression and fertility
While we’ve been studying the links between depression and fertility
Rhodiola rosea has been in use for centuries, yet it’s a relative new-comer to modern herbal practice in the Western world. Although it’s new to many of us, Rhodiola’s entrance into modern practice could not be more well-timed.
I’ve been using Atlas Cedarwood essential oil in Gear Defender
Getting a good night’s sleep is key to so many
Wood Betony was once a favored herbal remedy for just about everything that could ail you. Although we not longer think of it as a panacea, Wood Betony is making a comeback…one that’s timely indeed! These curated resources fous on the medicinal, magical, and healing properties of Wood Betony and how to grow, harvest, and make medicine from it.
Balm of Protection is a blend that makes use of the gifts of Saint John’s Wort to lift depression and both define and strengthen one’s energy field and the gift of Wood Betony to center and ground one’s energy. Coupled with frankincense, copaiba balsam, vetiver, and yarrow, this balm is all about offering protection to those who need to be a little less expansive and open.
Reality is, Wood Betony is not a real panacea. Wood Betony is a complex and powerful plant that offers us a huge opportunity to heal. What we want to heal…that’s up to us.
This is one of the keys to recognizing where Wood Betony can help you work miracles. Wood Betony’s call is to heal by returning your power home to your powercenter and balancing it there.
There is an expression that you are the average of
Wood Betony is a classic Western herb used as a cure-all in both home remedies and witchcraft of household cleansing and protection. Through out Old Europe, people reached for Wood Betony to ease aches and pains, soothe digestive complaints, and resolve headaches, insomnia, anxiety, depression, irritability, and all manner of nervous-system complaints.
Wood Betony, aka Stachys officinalis and formerly known as Betonica officinalis, is regaining it’s former popularity among modern herbalists. It’s about time, I say. We most definitely need to stomach a lot of challenge, a lot of fear and anxiety, a lot of sorrow and grief, and a lot of toxicity in our modern world. We need strong and steady stomach medicine, which is right up Wood Betony’s ally.
Learn about growing wildcrafting and harvesting, and making home remedies and herbal remedies with Skullcap with these resources. Resources include videos, articles, podcasts, and recipes for using Skullcap or Scutellaria latiflora for plant-based care for pain, tension, insomnia, and anxiety.
I’ve been using Atlas Cedarwood essential oil in my Gear Defender disinfectant spray and other disinfectant blends for a few years. It’s warm, woody scent offers a wonderful grounding base note to those blends while enhancing the anti-microbial aspects of the other essential oils. I’ve thought of Atlas Cedarwood as a partner in those blends.
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