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skullcap flowers

Meet Skullcap, Scutellaria lateriflora, ID and Medicinal Properties

Skullcap is a relaxing nervine without sedation. The Eclectics used Skullcap as a nerve tonic for conditions brought on by nervousness and stress, i.e., asthma, rashes, eczema, and headaches. Skullcap is trophorestorative (nourishing tonic) for the nervous system in low doses long-term to improve and restore nervous system function.

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Tulsi Holy Basil Energetics, Adaptogen and Detox

In many ways, Tulsi works at a more subtle level, helping the body, mind, and spirit make more room and capacity for what you want to carry and kicking out what’s no longer useful, including emotions and thoughts that have stagnated or weighed you down. Tulsi’s motion is one of…

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sage in a rustic laddle

Sage Herbal Medicine, Energetics for Common and Red Sage

Herbal Nerd Society Exclusive Article. “A leaf of Sage a day will keep the Alzheimer’s away” could be the modern motto for our beloved common Sage, or Salvia officinalis. Common Sage and Red Sage, aka Dan Shen or S. miltiorrhiza, both improve thought patterns and have long been associated with the kind of calm, Sage wisdom we’ve sought in our Elders.

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