There’s nothing so relaxing before a night of lovin’ as a good massage. This blend of essential oils will help you to relax without putting you to sleep, so you and your partner can fully enjoy each other’s company.
- 1 oz. sweet almond oil or grapeseed oil
- 5 drops lavender essential oil
- 4 drops ginger essential oil
- 2 drops ylang-ylang essential oil
- 1 oz. or larger sealable bottle or container
- label and pen
- Measure the sweet almond oil into your container.
- Add the essential oils.
- Seal the container and give it a good shake.
- Label your massage oil.
Storage and Use
You can make this massage oil in advance or just before you plan to use it. It keeps well for months in a cool, dark place, like the refrigerator. Be sure to let it come to room temperature before you use it. If you want to use it for a warm oil massage, you can stand the sealed container in a cup or hot water for ten to twenty minutes before using it as well.