127.Herb Lab – Jason Scott – Mushroom Alchemy

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After talking with spagyricist and mycologist Jason Scott of Feral Fungi and AlcheMycology about the synergy of mushrooms, medicine and alchemy, Sue and Candace have donned their wizard hats and are reporting on their own alchemy. For Sue, it was a simple mushroom hunt but Candace went much deeper down the rabbit hole. Candace stuck a fire under her magic cauldron and brewed up some oil of egg. This is a topical oil extracted from, not infused by, eggs. The process was fairly simple and yielded a highly absorbent oil noted for healing burns, wounds and dry skin.

Herbs we mentioned:

Resources we mentioned:

Oil of Egg video

Herbs in the News

The American Botanical Society alerted us to a Time magazine article published on January 24, 2018 by Amanda MacMillan titled Herbal Supplements may be Dangerous When You Take Certain Prescription Drugs. Apparently, Time magazine has never heard of herb/drug interactions before.

Jason Scott

Jason ScottJason Scottt is a Mycologist, Ethnobotanist and Spagyricist who has studied traditional Hermetic Alchemy, Ethnobotany and Plant Medicine. Born and raised in Oregon, Jason has an intrinsic interest in the Fungal Queendom and all of its aspects: from cultivation and mycoremediation, to historical and cultural relationships. Most specifically their medicinal application. Jason has studied various different healing modalities including Ayurveda in Nepal and Western Herbalism all over Oregon and Washington. He is the owner and operator of Feral Fungi and curator of AlcheMycology.


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