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Herbal Iced Tea for Electrolytes: Herbal Home Remedies for Summer

If you’ve ever made sun tea, you know all about how simple it is to create a little herbal luxury. Herbal Iced Teas, which are a variety of sun teas, are amazingly easy to brew. What you may not realize is that herbal luxury can also be a powerful ally against dehydration and electrolyte imbalance in summer’s heat. The bonus is Herbal Iced teas are super low-cost to brew.

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Medicinal Properties of Cleavers

Cleavers or Lady’s Bedstraw is known in herbal circles and botany bands as Galium aperine, and it’s one of our weedy favorites for moving lymph, clearing skin, and reducing swellings such as those associated with sore throat and tonsillitis, cancer, and leukemia.

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Energetic Properties of Avena Sativa, Oats: TCM, Ayurveda

Avena sativa, aka oats, is one of modern herbalism’s darlings for managing stress and exhaustion, recovering from trauma and prolonged illness, and rebuilding pretty much all the body’s systems. Herbal Teachers and practitioners generally divide Oat medicine into two types: Milky Oats or Oatstraw.

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Nourish Body and Soul with Avena: Oats

Research has shown that oats represent a sound unbroken link to our herbal lineage. A solid one-third of my herbal library refers to oats as a trophorestorative; soothing, nourishing and nervine. The message is steady and consistent, much like Avena herself: Take peace, take comfort, take strength.

Here are some of the ways I roll with oats, Avena sativa…

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Magical Properties of Herbs Through Botany

Take your connection to The Plants to the next level; Get to know the magical qualities of a plant’s medicine through the lens of botany. We’ll talk about how to apply botanical knowledge of a plant to your own magical workings.

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