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Making Honey into Wine: Mead for Herbalists

Mead, strictly speaking, is made with honey, water, and yeast. Nothing more. It’s a fabulously medicinal and Divinely Delicious medicine in its own right. Truly, I could write a book just on the virtues of Mead, as have many enthusiasts and experts already done. Mead combines the medicinal properties of Honey, which are plentiful, with the gut-friendly medicine of fermentation. A glass a day of mead can help improve digestive health and prevent a wide variety of digestive complaints.

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Energetic Properties of Avena Sativa, Oats: TCM, Ayurveda

Avena sativa, aka oats, is one of modern herbalism’s darlings for managing stress and exhaustion, recovering from trauma and prolonged illness, and rebuilding pretty much all the body’s systems. Herbal Teachers and practitioners generally divide Oat medicine into two types: Milky Oats or Oatstraw.

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Wood Betony blossom, up close

Wood Betony Resources: Links, Videos, Learning and Use

Wood Betony was once a favored herbal remedy for just about everything that could ail you. Although we not longer think of it as a panacea, Wood Betony is making a comeback…one that’s timely indeed! These curated resources fous on the medicinal, magical, and healing properties of Wood Betony and how to grow, harvest, and make medicine from it.

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lip balm and cream near flowers

Balm of Protection: End Nightmares and Night Terrors

Balm of Protection is a blend that makes use of the gifts of Saint John’s Wort to lift depression and both define and strengthen one’s energy field and the gift of Wood Betony to center and ground one’s energy. Coupled with frankincense, copaiba balsam, vetiver, and yarrow, this balm is all about offering protection to those who need to be a little less expansive and open.

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