Burdock, dandelion, and red clover partner with nettle in this simple detoxifying, nourishing herbal blend. I use this decoction as a light spring detoxifier and whenever I feel the stress of life starting to weigh me down or as a fall cleanser to help me shift back into the rhythm of the colder months.
1 part burdock root
1 part dandelion root
1 part nettle
1 part red clover
- 1 mixing bowl
- 1 spoon
- a resealable container large enough to hold the finished product
- a label
- Pour the herbs into the mixing bowl and gently stir them with a spoon. Try not to break up the plant parts since this will release the essential oils.
- Pour the mix into a resealable container.
- Label the container with the name of the mix, ingredients, and date mixed.
Storage and Use
Store this decoction blend in a sealable container. To make, or decoct, your blend, add a tablespoon of it to a quart of water and simmer it over medium heat for 20 minutes. Pour the simmered mixture into a heat-safe, sealable, non-reactive container, such as a canning jar, and let it stand for up to a day on the counter or three days in the refrigerator. Drink it by the cup throughout your day, adding a dropper of tincture of Cleavers to each cup if you like.