Most of my refrigerator door is dedicated to condiments. A nice dash of seasoning makes all the difference in bringing out the flavors in a meal. This dressing is a favorite because it serves many purposes: marinade, soup enhancer, bread dip and, of course, salad dressing. I particularly like it drizzled on sliced garden veggies. If you do the math, you’ll see this dressing is also very cheap to make in comparison to store bought dressings. I like cheap.
- 4 tablespoons olive oil
- 4 tablespoons honey
- 4 tablespoons lime juice
- 1 tablespoon liquid amino acid (or soy sauce)
- 1 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
- 1/2 teaspoon dried ginger powder
- Mixing bowl
- Mixing spoon or a scraper
- Measuring spoons
- Storage jar with lid
- Funnel (optional)
- Label
- Measure the liquid ingredients and pour them into the mixing bowl.
- Measure the ginger powder and add it to the bowl.
- Mix well.
- Pour the dressing into a storage jar using a funnel if required.
- Place the lid on firmly and add a label with the name of the dressing and the date mixed.
Storage and Use
Refrigerate. Good for up to one year. Shake before use.