Natural Fever Remedies: How to Use Herbs for Fever
https://youtu.be/B_uDDXXN6yY Fever has gotten a bad rap in recent years.
https://youtu.be/B_uDDXXN6yY Fever has gotten a bad rap in recent years.
https://youtu.be/-cFnqKIialc Preventing illness tends to rise to the surface our
Middle-aged men often have a tough time making the transition
Many, if not all, Herbalists and Herbal Traditions recognize the
The good news is, Herbalists have a lot of tools that are pretty darn easy to use if you pay attention to what your digestive system is trying to tell you. Those tools can help you head off longer-term and bigger problems so you can enjoy your life and food now and in the future.
Pickles are foods, like cucumbers or red onions, that have been submerged in an acid solution, usually vinegar in Western tradition but in Ayurveda lemon and citrus are often as not key acidifiers. Pickling veggies helps begin the breaking-down of their chemical structures and encourages enzymatic activity.
Wouldn’t you love to avoid getting sick this year?
Electuaries are one of my favorite easy herbal remedies. They’re simple enough you can engage the whole family in creating them, or you can go it alone like I do and think of it as a meditation of sorts.
Plants have long been masters of the medicine of Love. Long ago, many of them joined the club of Aphrodisiacs, teaching us to use the tools we have to attract a mate and fully enjoy the experiences we share.
You can also listen to Real Herbalism Radio here: Our
HERBAL NERD SOCIETY As Sue and Candace reflect on the interview with Amanda Dilday, they sort through the under-rated step of healing which involves letting the healer breathe. Self care can take many forms. After healing others, it is important for future patient care to take a minute for collecting yourself. Amanda’s focus on trauma healing provided a strong backbone for the discussion of self care.
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