Accidents happen. That little scrape or abrasion can get infected pretty quickly if it isn’t cleaned properly. Although hygiene is the first and best defense, a dab of antibiotic salve will help your body fight back an existing infection naturally. This natural antibiotic balm is so effective and easy to use that it belongs in every first aid kit.
Salve is fast and easy to make once the prep work is taken care of. There are botanically infused oils that I have started in autumn for making antibiotic salve for holiday gifts. It is serious medicine that is always well received. Make sure you make extra. When people run out, you will get calls for more.
This salve is a mix of 3 powerful plant healers. Garlic is well known for it’s antibiotic power. Oregon Grape is a good broad spectrum antibiotic. Mullein is gentle healer for staph infections that serves as a good balance for the other two. The addition of lavender and tea tree essential oils and you have a great salve that also works on antibiotic resistant infections.
This version of the salve contains only a few botanical oils and covers a broad spectrum of bacterial infections. It is good for scrapes and minor wounds. It is not intended for deep cuts and wounds. This recipe uses heat infused botanical oils. It can easily be made in a slow cooker in a day. You can use cold infused botanical oils if you prefer. Make enough salve to last a season.
Use our salve making recipe for more complete instructions.
- 2 cups almond oil
- 1/2 dried Oregon grape root (cut and sift)
- 1/2 cup dried mullein leaf (cut and sift)
- 4 garlic cloves (chopped)
- 3 oz. beeswax (by weight)
- 10 drops geranium essential oil
- 10 drops tea tree essential oil
- a kitchen scale
- a knife
- a spatula
- a double boiler or slow cooker
- strainer
- cheesecloth
- glass container to temporarily hold warm oil
- cup measurements
- a label
- enough small containers with lids to store finished product
- Gather the ingredients along with the equipment in a clean, well-lit, workspace.
- Pour the almond oil into a double boiler or slow cooker and heat to the lowest setting.
- Chop garlic cloves.
- When the oil is warm, stir in the Oregon grape and garlic.
- Keep pot covered.
- Keep warm for 4 to 8 hours.
- 30 minutes before finishing the project, stir in mullein leaf.
- Place wire strainer over the glass jar.
- Place cheesecloth in a strainer.
- Carefully strain out herbs from oil and return oil to the pot.
- Add the grated beeswax.
- After the beeswax has melted, remove the double boiler from heat or turn off the slowcooker.
- Stir in the essential oils.
- Pour the mixture into a few salve containers and cap them securely.
- Label the containers with the name of the salve.
- Give your salve a one-year expiration date as the oils may go rancid.
Storage and Use
This recipe makes approximately 8 one-ounce tins or 16 half-ounce tins.