218.Three Kingdoms Healing with Maia Toll

Real Herbalism Radio show 218.Three Kingdoms Healing with Maia Toll with The Illustrated Crystallary book cover in background

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Healing with Plant Medicine is Deep and Expansive…and it extends beyond the Plant Kingdom. Traditional Western Medicine has long recognized three primary kingdoms: Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral.

Today, we’re talking with Maia Toll, Author of The Illustrated Herbiary, The Illustrated Bestiary and The Illustrated Crystallary, and founder of The Herbiary in Philadelphia and in Asheville, North Carolina about working with the three Kingdoms on your path to Deep Connection, Spiritual Strength, and Inner-knowing.

Cards we mentioned:

  • Human
  • Oats
  • Apple
  • Amber
  • Sequoia
  • Horsetail
  • Dragonfly

Topics we mentioned:

  • Foxglove
  • Fungus and Lichen
  • Plant Meditation and Personal Story
  • Endangered species
  • Fungi

Where’s Sue?

Sue’s working on a new venture in 2020. Check out The Integrated Herbalist to see what Sue’s up to today!

Maia Toll

Maia Toll

Award winning writer Maia Toll has been many things— a horseback riding teacher, a clinical herbalist, and (oddly) a university professor— but by far her favorite title is author. Her best-selling Wild Wisdom series (The Illustrated HerbiaryThe Illustrated Bestiary & The Illustrated Crystallary offers a glimpse into the knowings of the natural world and the wilds within ourselves. Maia contemplated these insights during her yearlong apprenticeship to a traditional healer in Ireland. Though apprenticeship sounds terribly romantic, it was most often lonely, leaving Maia plenty of time to listen to the ravens, roses, and rocks. She quickly learned that the world was a whole lot bigger than her human-centric upbringing had led her to believe.

When not obsessively reading books and “talking” to trees, stones, and her two dogs, Maia drinks copious amounts of tea and helps run Herbiary, a multi-city natural wellness and sacred living store she owns with her partner Andrew. She teaches and blogs to an international following at maiatoll.com where she constantly reminds people that using critical thinking skills and talking to flowers are not mutually exclusive activities.


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