Best audience for Poultry Breeds: Hen-keepers, homesteaders, and Poultry Fanciers of all ages and experience levels as well as any other folk who want to get to know a little about the various kinds of Chickens, Ducks, Geese, and Turkeys living among us.
Candace said: I loved browsing through this collection of chickens, ducks, geese, and turkeys. The photos were wonderful. They got my imagination rolling. Paired with a nice, short tidbit on each breed, I felt like I got a nice feel for which I’d most like to add to my flock. I absolutely loved that Carol included ducks, geese, and turkeys, too! Most of the fowl covered are chickens, which makes sense in the context of their dominance in the American Urban Farm arena, but that she gave a delightful nod to these other feathered friends made me so very happy. I can easily see how one might spend hours perusing these pages, pausing to sip a cup of Iron Goddess tea and stare absently out the back window at the coop at turns, imagining which breeds might one day grace one’s allotment. My only regret was that the pages were too small to include more information on each breed. (Carol Ekarius has been kind enough to have also written Storey’s Illustrated Guide to Poultry Breeds: Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys, Emus, Guinea Fowl, Ostriches, Partridges, Peafowl, Pheasants, Quails, Swans, which happily serves that desire nicely.)
Sue said: I love this book. Love it. This is the Sears catalog of farmyard birds. Each page has beautiful photographs of over 100 bird breeds. The author showcases the bird as a whole as well as a few standard info bites about them. There is a key that quickly notes whether the chicken is ornamental, a layer, a meat bird or a combination of the types. Some of the breeds have featured close ups their fabulous foliage.
I have spent hours looking the pages of this book both on my own and with my granddaughter. The photography is gorgeous. I have been to a lot of bird shows but still have several of the breeds featured in this book that I have yet to see. This book was originally titled Pocketful of Poultry. The newest edition had to be re-titled as it is larger than a pocketful. This is a Storey Publishing classic. It would make a great gift.
The bottom line: We give Poultry Breeds by Carol Ekarius 2 thumbs up.
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