Hawthorn Jelly Recipe

hawthorn haws

Who says heart-healthy can’t be absolutely tasty, too? This simple jelly made with Haws and Chili Peppers is one of our favorites. Sweet and spicy, this is the kind of medicine that does the heart good.

This recipe makes approximately 9 cups (2 l).


  • 1.5 lbs. (0.7 kg) fresh haws, preferably after a freeze
  • 2-3 chilies, cayenne or other hot ones will do, fresh or dried
  • 6 cups (1.5 l) water
  • 5-6 cups (1-1.2 kg) sugar, preferably raw, unrefined or an equivalent in honey
  • 3 Tbsp. (44 ml) lemon juice, fresh or from concentrate
  • Regular Pectin if you’re using sugar and Low to No Sugar Pectin if you’re using honey


  • Pot large enough to hold 6 cups or 1.5 l of water plus the haws and chilies
  • Spoons for stirring
  • Potato masher or similar for mashing the haws and chilies
  • Measuring cups
  • Scale (optional)
  • 9 jelly jars with lids that seal or similar.


  1. Simmer the haws and chilies in the water for 30-40 minutes, mashing them a few times through out.
  2. Strain the and keep liquid, which is your haw infusion. Discard or compost the herbs. Do not squeeze the herbs if you want a really clear jelly. If you don’t mind a bit of cloudiness, squeeze the herbs to get as much liquid out as possible. You should have approximately 5 cups (1.2 l) of liquid when you’re done. If not, add enough water to make 5 cups (1.2 l).
  3. Stir the herbal infusion over medium heat, adding the sugar or honey until it’s dissolved.
  4. Add the lemon juice to the sugar-herb infusion.
  5. Add the pectin. Follow the instructions for apple jelly on the pectin package.

Storage and use

Once you’ve sealed your jelly jars, this jelly keeps quite well. It’s wise to use it within the year, as with all preserves. Store it in a cool, dark place, like the pantry shelf, before you open it and in a cooler place, like the refrigerator, after it’s been opened.

Spread a small amount on toast or scones daily. Add a tablespoon to your favorite smoothie recipe or to plain yogurt. A little added to oats in the morning is awfully nice, too.

cayenne chilies

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