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variety of dried beans

The Best Way to Cook Dried Beans

Phyllis D. Light taught me this method for cooking dried beans. It’s super easy and makes the creamiest, most nutritious beans you can imagine. It’s easy to adapt it to beans other than the pinto beans I used here, and I give tips for how to scale it up if you want more than one meal from your pot of beans.

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Wood Betony in field stachys officinalis or betonica officinalis

Formulating Home Remedies, Wood Betony for Stomach and Headache

Reality is, Wood Betony is not a real panacea. Wood Betony is a complex and powerful plant that offers us a huge opportunity to heal. What we want to heal…that’s up to us.

This is one of the keys to recognizing where Wood Betony can help you work miracles. Wood Betony’s call is to heal by returning your power home to your powercenter and balancing it there.

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blue aromatherapy bottles

Rosemary Essential Oil Properties and Use

Aromatherapists have long employed Rosemary’s strongly aromatic qualities to treat infectious diseases including colds and flu, heart and circulatory conditions including low blood pressure and cold hands and feet, slow or sluggish digestion, menstrual irregularity and infertility, and what was once called

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The Herbal Nerd Society

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