When Things Go Wrong – Candida, Thrush, and Ringworm
When author, herbalist and Eclectic School of Herbal Medicine founder Thomas Easley, offered a special interview segment just for Herbal Nerd Society members, we scrambled to set up our microphones.
Even in First World nations, creepy-crawlies can invade our bodies. Bacteria, Fungus, and Worms are more common than we’d like to admit. Couple that with lifestyles that aren’t geared for optimum health and you’ve got the perfect grounds for serious trouble. In this Let’s Talk, Thomas Easley shares with us a couple of his tips and tricks plus a couple of herbal antiseptic recipes for dealing with when things go wrong.
Herbs We Mentioned
- Barberry
- Andrographis
- Black Walnut
- Neem leaf
- Chaparral
- Paypaya seed
- Fennel seed
Thrush Formula for Adults
Thomas Easley’s Recipe We Mentioned for Adults with Thrush
- 1 drop Lavender essential oil
- 1 drop Tea Tree essential oil
- 20 drops carrier oil
Use a 1:20 dilution – 5 drops once daily.
Thomas Easley
Thomas Easley, RH (AHG) is a Functional Herbalist and founder of the Eclectic School of Herbal Medicine. He started studying herbal medicine in 1996, and was in full-time practice from 2001 through 2015. He now keeps his clinical skills sharp by reviewing all of the cases for his school’s free clinic, and maintains an active part-time private practice. In 2010 Thomas founded the Eclectic School of Herbal Medicine, which has full-time residential classes, and part-time online classes. In 2017 Thomas coined the term Functional Herbalism, to describe his unique approach integrating Traditional Western Herbalism, Clinical Nutrition, and Functional Medicine. Thomas is the co-author of The Modern Herbal Dispensatory, A Medicine Making Guide, and Modern Herbal Medicine.
- The Eclectic School of Herbal Medicine
- Get his online course on making herbal remedies at:
The Art and Science of Plant Medicine Making
Books by Thomas Easley