Guest Blogger Patti Leahy Shares Her Secret Formula for Making a Flower Essence Blend to Relax Body and Mind
Holidays can become Holidaze for many. We are presented with the image of this being the time of joyous, happy, wondrous merriment everywhere we look and though I always hope this for us all, sadly, for many this is not the case, or at least not all the time. The bombardment of advertisements would be enough, but added to that is all the old programming from years gone by of family conditioning, manipulations by guilt or shame, even traumas from social expectations or loss of a loved one around this time. Stress can come in many forms: missing out on family gatherings and traditions, unrealized expectations, hopes and dreams, economic pressure and exposure to weather related illnesses are just a few of the many seasonal struggles. Flower Essences offers an excellent healing opportunity for those in need.
Just how do we get through these stressful and emotionally charged holidays? For me and the many others who use Season’s De-Stress Flower Essence Blend there is support to our ability to release some of that old patterning, resist social pressures that just aren’t healthy, and move into creating my own sense of well being now. Basically giving the opportunity to rewire what and how this Holiday and seasonal time is for me. By raising or stimulating our subtle body vibrations we are able to release stuck emotional patterns, make new perceptions, choices and outcomes mentally, emotionally, physically and consciously. This is the main healing power of all flower essences.
Flower Essences are hypoallergenic and portable. They are designed as an integrated part of a healing tradition that is sustainable to make and use. Those that use Flower Essences report feeling more empowered in their healing process. The Flower Essences pioneer was Edward Bach (1886-1936). He studied 38 different flowers and their effect on human psyche. Since then, many other plants have been added to the list. Even the information on Bach’s original 38 flowers have expanded and evolved.
This blend, Season De-Stress, is based on decades of study. Many Flower Essence practitioners will tailor a formula to a particular patient, an area, or, in this case, a season. The increased stress that post-modern life has added to the average person’s daily existence is having an noticeable effect. Our plant allies have healing properties that often go untapped.
Lobelia Flower Essence for relaxing constricted emotions, like the ones we are afraid to let others know we have, giving opportunity to heal or let go of unresolved issues. Courage to speak the truth, first to our self, then sharing in regard to one’s involvement with others when needed; very helpful for shyness or shame around expressing one’s own nature. Lobelia aids in learning to say no and creates boundaries in relationships and reduces the need for approval.
Broccoli Flower Essence helps one to achieve balance when one is feeling unsafe, unprotected, attacked, threatened or separated. Helps establish healthy balance and use of power for taking appropriate responsibility for one’s self. Brings about a clarity in awareness for more easily identifying and choosing how and where to place our focus. Then easing the need to be projecting blame on others for our choice of experiences.
Mallow Flower Essence is a wonderful catalyst to melt down the barriers and soften the emotional shell surrounding the heart. Mallow helps to soften, soothe and unravel or dissolve the reinforced patterning keeping us in resistance to healing and experiencing more camaraderie in life.
Okra Flower Essence capability as a flower essence is in allowing an integration of a variety of spiritual principles, otherwise known as basic human nature, that come to consciousness, restoring our ability to see the positive in our life and environment.
Along with our garden’s essences to finish Seasons De-Stress Blend we added a few from the Perelandra Center for Nature Research that we felt were beneficial to overall transition and integration.
Royal Highness Rose Flower Essence brings a sort of insulated protection of the electrical, and emotional parts during transitions to a healthier state. Allowing the flow and reordering of old wounds, fears, thoughts, and beliefs.
Soul Ray #8 Flower Essence provides the support needed for understanding who one is and one’s relationship to the many different levels and activities participated in. Provides the internal support for maintaining that balance for your unique contribution to daily life and community involvement.
Season’s De-Stress blend is very supportive to our over all well-being this time of year, but also can be, and is, used during other times throughout the year when old issues arise in current situations. It has been selected and used for public speaking, revisiting family issues, at times of change in jobs, school, workplace. Used regularly these blends work wonderfully to assist with other healing modalities as we work on healing the past and improving our lives toward the future.
You can see all our Flower Essence Blends on our website along with our other ways of supporting transformation to self empowerment and evolution to being who we are more clearly and easily. I also glady do consultations for personal Flower Essence Formulas.