Best audience for Aromatherapy and Herbal Remedies for Pregnancy, Birth, and Breastfeeding:
Beginning Herbalists, especially those expecting or friends and family of those expecting a baby.
Candace said: When I was pregnant, longer ago than I care to admit, I would truly have used a book like Aromatherapy and Herbal Remedies for Pregnancy, Birth, and Breastfeeding. Most of the remedies Clark suggests are gentle, kind, and supportive…exactly what’s needed when you’re starting a family. With limited herbal know-how, I could have easily found natural, organic options for many of the concerns I faced as first a pregnant woman and later as a new Mom. The teas to increase lactation and ease tension while breastfeeding would have been a boon to say the least. What Clark didn’t cover but I would sorely have needed back then was a short section on the few months of caring for baby. I ran into challenges like thrush and colic-like symptoms that made recovering from childbirth and caring for my new babe terribly difficult. Considering how tired I was, I would have wanted just one book on my shelf to search when I needed help. With that extra section, Clark’s book would have been it. Still, as Aromatherapy and Herbal Remedies for Pregnancy, Birth, and Breastfeeding stands, it’s a good reference for expectant families and, maybe even more so, for the Grandparents, best friends, and other loved ones surrounding them.
Sue said: I was very happy to see this book in print. My own childbearing days are long gone but I too would be happy to give this book to any new mother. It is a great herbal gateway book. New mothers are keenly interested in taking care of themselves in the interest of their developing child. Offering herbal options which are described by an experienced doula/herbalist is a life-changing gift.
Clark’s descriptions of medical conditions connected with pregnancy are spot on. Her language is clear and accurate. Her gentle character shines through on every page. Clark gives healthy nutrition options for new mothers that are facts based. Her descriptions on herbal techniques are concise without being tedious. I agree with Candice that the book should have been bigger but combining this with an herbal on supporting infants and toddlers is perfectly fine.
The bottom line: We give Aromatherapy and Herbal Remedies for Pregnancy, Birth, and Breastfeeding by Demetria Clark 1.5 thumbs up.
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