muhkwas fennel

Muhkwas is the name of the sweet and spicy mix of seeds and spices you’ll generally find near the cash register at Indian restaurants. This particular blend won’t be as sweet and candied as those you’ll find commercially, but it’ll aid your digestion and freshen your breath after a delicious meal just as well. Plus, it’s easy to make at home. If you like yours sweeter, increase the candied ginger to your satisfaction. The fennel, coriander, and cardamon in this blend are excellent carminatives that’ll help your body digest quickly and smoothly and will help prevent gassiness and bloating. The ginger helps to fire your stomach and upper digestive tract, and the hemp hearts will aid in reducing inflammation through out your digestive system.


  • 1 Tbsp fennel seeds, roasted
  • Several pieces candied ginger, cut into very small pieces
  • 1 Tbsp. corriander, roasted
  • 1 Tbsp. hemp hearts or sesame seeds, roasted
  • 1/2 tsp. cardamon seeds, powdered


  • Measuring spoons
  • Cutting board and knife
  • Spice grinder (if your cardamon isn’t already ground)
  • Small skillet
  • Stove
  • Sealable container and label


  1. Cut the ginger into very small pieces and put it into the sealable container.
  2. Add the powered corriander to the ginger, seal the container, and give it a good shake to coat the ginger with the corriander powder.
  3. Roast the spices and seeds seperately, then them to the sealable container. Seal and shake the container to mix it well once all the spices and seeds are added. Add a little more ginger if the slightly bitter aspect of the spices is too much.
  4. Seal and label the container, and you’re done.

Storage and Use

Keep your Muhkwas conveniently near where you take your meals so you don’t forget to use it. If it’ll be in the light, be sure your container is a dark-colored glass or you keep it under a cozy. Conversely, keep it in your tea cupboard if you take tea after meals frequently. This recipe for Muhkwas will keep in room-temperature conditions for a week or more. This recipe makes enough to last for about a week for one to two people. You can scale the recipe up a bit if you have a larger family or if you’d like to make it less frequently. You can also store it in the refrigerator to help it last longer.

Take half a teaspoon or so after each meal to aid digestion and ease appetite. To use as a tea, add a teaspoon to a tea strainer and steep in boiled water covered for 10 minutes before drinking.

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