Anti-inflammatory Brew for Pets

chickens in isolation

Even with the most attentive care, the animals in our lives can get hurt. Some of our beloved companions can be very tricky to treat. Birds will peck at their bandages. Cats will scratch at an infection. Horses will rub a sore spot raw. In order to help our friends, a little subterfuge is sometimes needed.

Anti-inflammatory Brew is steeped, strained, cooled and added to the injured animal’s drinking water at a ratio of 1 part tea water to 8 parts water. This recipe contains herbs that are naturally antibiotic and anti-inflammatory to reduce itching and swelling of damaged tissue.

Remember to isolate animals from their healthy companions so they do not sustain further injuries.



  • 2 cups water per 1 oz of dried herbs
  • covered steeping container (quart jar or covered cooking pot)
  • tea kettle
  • strainer
  • measuring cups and spoons
  • Resealable storage container


  1. Heat water in kettle.
  2. Measure dried herbs and add to steeping container.
  3. Measure and add heated water to steeping container.
  4. Let the brew steep, covered, for at least 2 hours.
  5. Strain steeped brew into resealable storage container.

Storage and Use

Add finished brew to the injured animal’s drinking water at a ratio of 1 part tea water to 8 parts water. Be certain any wounded animal has free and easy access to fresh drinking water.

Most animals will not notice a difference in the taste of their water after the brew is added. If the flavor of the herbs discourag the animal from drinking, offer unmedicated water as well. Proper hydration is the most important key to healing injuries. Some animals, like cats, are more finicky about the flavor of their drinking water than others. If you are trying to treat such an animal, mix the tea water with some of the patient’s favorite treat (like canned tuna fish water).

Some animals do better with tea if it is frozen in an ice cube tray ahead of time. Add the medicinal ice cubes to the drinking water so they slowly melt and blend in. The average ice cube tray will hold 2 cups (1 pint) of strained liquid brew.


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