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Blueberry Myth and Magic: Magical Properties and History

Blueberries and Bilberries come from the same family, the Vaccinium family, making them relatives of other famous berries like the Cranberry, Lingonberry, and Huckleberry. They’re a family that’s spread through out the world, making their homes in virtually all the climates Mother Earth has to offer. So what makes Blueberry specifically special?

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finished ollie kendra granola

Blueberry Granola Recipe

My friend Barbara inspired me to devise this granola recipe after sampling her delicious batch right out of the oven. Both of us enjoy playing around with granola ingredients for different flavors. This recipe was my first big success. It is a perfect match with yogurt as a breakfast treat, but I often eat it straight out of the jar as a snack.

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Making Honey into Wine: Mead for Herbalists

Mead, strictly speaking, is made with honey, water, and yeast. Nothing more. It’s a fabulously medicinal and Divinely Delicious medicine in its own right. Truly, I could write a book just on the virtues of Mead, as have many enthusiasts and experts already done. Mead combines the medicinal properties of Honey, which are plentiful, with the gut-friendly medicine of fermentation. A glass a day of mead can help improve digestive health and prevent a wide variety of digestive complaints.

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Cranberry for Phytochemical Protection: How it works

Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait) is one of the most cultivated fruits in the western upper regions of North America. Today bogs and terms like “superfruit” are associated with cranberry. But only within the past few decades has the phytochemical composition of cranberry been widely recognized and studied. Now it is known among the scientific community as a viable antioxidant and a treatment for urinary tract infections.

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Herbal Iced Tea for Electrolytes: Herbal Home Remedies for Summer

If you’ve ever made sun tea, you know all about how simple it is to create a little herbal luxury. Herbal Iced Teas, which are a variety of sun teas, are amazingly easy to brew. What you may not realize is that herbal luxury can also be a powerful ally against dehydration and electrolyte imbalance in summer’s heat. The bonus is Herbal Iced teas are super low-cost to brew.

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Goji berry Energetic Properties

Goji Berry, Wolfberry, Lycii, Energetic Properties

Goji Berry is one of those little dried fruits that pops up as popular every few years among the herbal and health crowds for a while, then it fades into the background until it’s needed once again. There’s loads of good reasons for that, not the least of which is that Goji Berry is a Yin-Building herb.

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