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pinon pine syrup

Making Syrup from Piñon Pine – DIY

Herbalist Christina Sanchez reveals 2 of her (formerly) secret recipes for making Piñon pine syrup from the cones and the needles. As a special extra bonus, she added her recipe for Piñon Pine Needle Honey too!

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Maria Noël Groves, Guest

Hear from Maria Noel Groves on Real Herbalism Radio. Here’s a list of the shows where she’s featured and more info on her. Real Herbalism Radio is an Herbal podcast of The Practical Herbalist.

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Better Bittering for Beers: Brewing Better Herbal Beers

Hops have been the bittering herbs for beer for a few centuries now. In more recent years here in the Pacific Northwest, it’s as if brewers have gotten drunk off the bitter Hops brings to the feremeter- Extreme IPA has become the standard beer here, with extreme being the important element in that moniker. These beers are quite medicinal in strength. Between the higher alcohol levels that draw higher levels of medicinal constituents out of the hops and the sheer volume of hops brewers are using, Extreme IPA beers are starting to taste more like tinctures than like beers. If that’s your jam, great. But, if hops isn’t the best herb for you, it’ll come as a relief to know that there are a lot of other herbs you can try!

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Medicinal Properties of Cleavers

Cleavers or Lady’s Bedstraw is known in herbal circles and botany bands as Galium aperine, and it’s one of our weedy favorites for moving lymph, clearing skin, and reducing swellings such as those associated with sore throat and tonsillitis, cancer, and leukemia.

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Tips for Making Virtual Gatherings and in-person gatherings special

Make Your Holidays Magical: Ritual for Zoom Gatherings

Creating a sense of the Sacred for your next gathering, be it a holiday feast or a small gathering at some other time of the year, takes a bit of clear intention, but it’s well worth the effort. The steps are truly simple, and the results can create the kinds of memories that live on for a lifetime. A little ritual done right adds a sense of warmth and Holiness that speaks to the deepest levels of the human soul.

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