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poison oak rash

Poison Oak/Poison Ivy Rash: Contact Dermatitis

Spring is a dangerous time of the year for eager herbalists. So many plants are emerging from their winter sleep that it is tempting to step off the hiking trail to examine them more closely. That is when the guardians assigned to protecting these tender sprouts spring into action. The Toxicodendron species which includes poison oak, poison ivy and poison sumac, has an oily substance called urushiol which triggers an allergic reaction in many people.

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a dog named Von Beck

Canine Digestive Remedy Recipe

A friend of mine had a dog who suffered from digestive problems. She tried a variety of expensive dog food brands on him with little effect. She took him to the vet to for help but was met with disappointment. Her dog just couldn’t eat without getting sick. Without proper nourishment, her dog would die.

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Gardener’s Hand Soak Recipe

Many gardeners love to stick their hands in the soil as they work. The feeling of soft, loamy dirt is so satisfying. The problem is this delightful practice leaves our hands feeling rough and chapped. Working with wood or working in damp, cold weather also draws the moisture out of my skin despite wearing gloves. I got tired of my nails getting brittle and chipped each year around April so I devised this simple hand soak to heal the cracks and soften my neglected fingers.

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How to Make a Salve or Balm: Easy Herbal Home Medicine

A salve is a combination of soft oils and a hardener, such as beeswax or petroleum jelly. The beeswax or hardener makes the oils more workable and less sloppy to apply. Most recipes for salves ask for 1 part beeswax per 3 parts oil. These are measured by weight not by volume. Adding more oil will make the salve thinner. Adding more beeswax, makes the salve thicker. Essential oils or vitamin E oils are added at the end of the process as a preservative. This is important since all oils can go rancid over time.

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