171.Take Control of Your Moods – Moodtopia
Sue and Candace share nutritional supplements and herbal blends that help reclaim your day from anxiety and depression.
Sue and Candace share nutritional supplements and herbal blends that help reclaim your day from anxiety and depression.
This week Sue and Candace explore more uses for milk thistle and creative ways to bring it into your life.
When you need a good hug, reach for Motherwort. In the line-up of heart-healing herbs, Motherwort is one of The Best herbs for soothing both a physically exhausted heart and an emotionally exhausted heart. Modern herbalists often look to this weedy member of the mint family for support in blends for racing heart and high blood pressure, hormone-induced emotional swings, and anxiety or nervousness you can’t quite kick. The commonality to near all conditions is a relationship of some kind to the Heart.
Herbal Nerd Society Exclusive Article Reishi mushroom refers to a
Today, we’re talking with Sara-Chana Silverstein, Master Herbalist, Classical Homeopath, mother of 7, Lactation Consultant and author of Moodtopia about blending allopathic and natural medicines.
HERBAL NERD SOCIETY Being a better herbalist requires constant education about the changing face of herbalism. There are many resources available to learn about new studies on herbs and much of it reaches into areas which tools of science and technology are exposing all the time.
A few years ago, my best friend of 12 years
Over the past decade or so, Oregon Grape has become
As the weather cools down, our immune systems should be geared up to do the thankless work of keeping colds and flus from settling in for the winter. Podcast hosts, Sue and Candace, review some of their favorite formulas for fortifying the body.
Although Flea season may be at it’s end for this year, fleas are still among us. Today, we discussed Natural Herbal Approaches to Flea Control using herbal and homesteading practices.
This week we review last week’s show on Adaptogens with Maria Noël Groves, author of Body into Balance, and talk about a selection of our favorite adaptogens and how we use them.
If you’ve made Candied Burdock or Candied Turmeric, Three-Root Syrup
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