Education Programs/Herb Schools


We, at the Practical Herbalist, are frequently asked about herbal education programs and herbal studies schools. An herbal education programs should leave the student with a well rounded knowledge of the field while allowing them a chance to specialize in their program of interest.

There are many to choice from, but the list below offers ones we can recommend based on the quality of their educational programs. You’ll note some are small, local schools with a hand full of teachers while others are large universities with accredited campuses. Education is power. Decide for yourself what you want out of your education and choose wisely.


Herbal Studies Schools (campus)

Eugene, Oregon – Columbine School of Botanical Studies taught by Steven Yeager and Howie Brounstein

Portland, Oregon – Northwest College of Natural Medicine offers graduate programs in natural medicine

Seattle, Washington – Bastyr University offers graduate programs in natural medicine

Tempe, Arizona – Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and Health Sciences offers graduate programs in natural medicine


Herbal Studies Schools (distance learning)

Blazing Star distance learning program is taught by Gail Ulrich and staff

East West School of Planetary Herbology distance learning is taught by Leslie and Michael Tierra

Herbal Academy on-line school has a growing staff under the direction of Marlene Adelmann.

New Foundations of Herbal Medicine distance learning and Weekend Intensive Courses taught by Dr. Tieraona Low Dog

Sage Mountain distance learning taught by Rosemary Gladstar





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