If you’ve ever tried Indian cooking, chances are high you’ve
Zingiber officinalis – Ginger familya.k.a.: Race Ginger, Black Ginger, Zingiber,
Taraxacum officinale a.k.a. Fairy Clock, Piss-a-bed, Piscialetto, Pissenlit Few plants
Fragaria vesca a.k.a. Wild Strawberry, Woodland Strawberry Nothing says summer
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Flooding can feel like adding insult to injury. Between Hot
Meadowsweet is a gorgeous flowering shrub that grows in damp areas like swamps and the woods. It grows tiny toothy leaves and happy colorful flowers. It was used by our European and east Asian ancestors as a painkiller and gut soother. So it should not surprise you to learn it’s the base of our modern analgesic aspirin! In the early to mid-1800s scientists and medicine-men were seeking a remedy for anything from the common flu to the plague ,and that’s when they found our friend Meadowsweet to be effective.
Most people know nettle by its lasting sting. One accidental brush against its bristly lines of hair causes burning, numbness and swelling for hours. The defending chemicals that cause the trouble are water soluble so nettle is safe to eat after drying, freezing or heating.
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