Plantain – Pocket Herbal
Plantago major/lanceolata – Planaginaceae family The people of medieval Europe
Plantago major/lanceolata – Planaginaceae family The people of medieval Europe
We like to think that first aid kits are universal
Fasting and cleansing are a normal and natural part of life for all species, humans included. That doesn’t mean we need to be doing special diets all the time. One to four times a year is plenty to help your body maintain general health through out a lifetime.
Listen to the newest Episodes of Real Herbalism Radio here: Our Website | iHeartradio | Spotify | Alexa
Listen to the newest Episodes of Real Herbalism Radio here: Our Website | iHeartradio | Spotify | Alexa
Most people know nettle by its lasting sting. One accidental brush against its bristly lines of hair causes burning, numbness and swelling for hours. The defending chemicals that cause the trouble are water soluble so nettle is safe to eat after drying, freezing or heating.
Gotu Kola is one of those herbs that has made
There’s nothing worse than a lingering cough after a cold, flu, or virus…except maybe the cough and sore throat that comes with active symptoms. I know I’m not alone in that, or in my appreciation for the power of herbal medicines to help the cough do its job and then settle down quickly while easing all the other symptoms upsetting my lower respiratory tract. It’s amazing how much better herbs can speed the body’s progress toward health and how well they ease the journey, too!
Reality is, Wood Betony is not a real panacea. Wood Betony is a complex and powerful plant that offers us a huge opportunity to heal. What we want to heal…that’s up to us.
This is one of the keys to recognizing where Wood Betony can help you work miracles. Wood Betony’s call is to heal by returning your power home to your powercenter and balancing it there.
This week, we are sharing our own favorite herbs and formulas for lung support.
Clinical herbalist and author Maria Noël Groves talks about harvesting and making medicine from the lung tonic herbal remedy garden.
Sunburn, bug bites, muscle strain…you name it. It’s a busy season for natural health advocates. We announce the winners of our Summer book give away too!
Gain access to even more with an additional 250 articles, recipes, and more in ad-free viewing.
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