Mullein Resources: Links, Videos, Learning and Use
Mullein’s soft leaves and strong, tall second-year stalks have forever
Mullein’s soft leaves and strong, tall second-year stalks have forever
Candace and Christina Sanchez talk about using Mullein for Asthma, spinal injury, digestion, urinary tract health, and respiratory health. They cover the basic energetics of Mullein, aka Verbascum thapsus,
Verbascum species like mullein have a multitude of chemical compounds that work together to defeat invading microbes like bacteria and yeasts.
Mullein, aka Verbascum thapsus, has long been a favorite respiratory
Mucilage is slime. The mucilage in mullein works in a variety of ways. It coats and soothes dry, chronic coughs.
Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) is famous for its cough reducing abilities. It works well to reduce different types of coughs in a vast variety of forms.
Zingiber officinalis – Ginger familya.k.a.: Race Ginger, Black Ginger, Zingiber,
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