Oregon Grape and Burdock Treats for Digestive Health
Oregon Grape is an evergreen shrubby plant that grows through
Oregon Grape is an evergreen shrubby plant that grows through
Herbal Nerd Society Exclusive Article Burdock, also known as Articum
Once relegated to Asian cuisine aisle in the marketplace, burdock is regaining interest in the West for it’s capacity to act as a fortifying tonic.
As with most alteratives, burdock is easy to add to vast array of herbal formulas since improving digestive and lymphatic function has a broad sweeping effect on the rest of the body. It’s flavor is pleasant and the gentle yet thorough support it gives the body adds to its popularity.
Burdock (Arctium lappa) is one of those troublesome weeds that
Episode XII One Important rule Sadie, my teacher, taught me
Zingiber officinalis – Ginger familya.k.a.: Race Ginger, Black Ginger, Zingiber,
Taraxacum officinale a.k.a. Fairy Clock, Piss-a-bed, Piscialetto, Pissenlit Few plants
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