Sow Oats and Reap Rewards: Grow and Harvest Avena Sativa, Milky Oats
Oats, Avena sativa, are easy to grow, harvest, process and
Oats, Avena sativa, are easy to grow, harvest, process and
We humans have had a long history with Avena sativa,
Avena sativa, aka oats, is one of modern herbalism’s darlings for managing stress and exhaustion, recovering from trauma and prolonged illness, and rebuilding pretty much all the body’s systems. Herbal Teachers and practitioners generally divide Oat medicine into two types: Milky Oats or Oatstraw.
Research has shown that oats represent a sound unbroken link to our herbal lineage. A solid one-third of my herbal library refers to oats as a trophorestorative; soothing, nourishing and nervine. The message is steady and consistent, much like Avena herself: Take peace, take comfort, take strength.
Here are some of the ways I roll with oats, Avena sativa…
The rosmarinic acid in sage serves as an antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agent.
Why Harvest Milky Oats? Milky Oats (Avena sativa) is a
Zingiber officinalis – Ginger familya.k.a.: Race Ginger, Black Ginger, Zingiber,
Lavender’s versatility through the centuries has made it a consistent favorite. Today, its balsamic, earthy, floral scent is added to a variety of beauty and cleaning products for its disinfectant as well as its relaxation properties. It can ward off a variety of bacterias and viruses, including staph, while it calms the nervous system. Lavender soothes as it heals.
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Melaleuca alternifolia a.k.a. Tea Tree, Ti Tree, Narrow-leafed Paperbark Tea
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